heyyya readerrrs! how's your day? anyway mid's overrrr. and tmrrw me and maa brothaa refreshing together andddd it was so fabulous it was sooooo FUN. i love tmrrw. big thanks to my brothaaa. but today i dont want to discuss about that, i want telling you about my lovely eeyore!!!! since long long time ago i really really want to tell you about it but i dont have enough idea. let's start!!!! look at that picture. they're my heart i love them lyk so damnnnn much. dont know why i love eeyore eventho my friends told me that eeyore has a stupid face hahahaha and i do think so. I WANT EEYORE I WANT I WANT ITTT but it's very difficult to find eeyore because eeyore is not the main character. if u find eeyore please let me know. i will pick him up hahahhaha.........for sure i still dont have enough idea to tell you about eeyore. I'm just too loved my eeyore HAHAHHAHA
dankeee readers sorry for wasted your time :-)