that's some photos from my holidays. it's extremely funnnn. since long long time ago me and my friends make plans to vacation together. and finally we choose to go to spore (I dont know why)......days that we've been waiting finally comeeee. we spent 10days in spore. many new and fun things we do there. they are my friends since I was in junior high school and now I'm not in the same school with them. but this is my longest vacation without my family. 10 dayssss I can't face my mom, my dad, my brothers, how I miss them so damn muchhh. when I was there my internet connection not working uuuu *poorme. but one thing that I hate........unpleasant smell
before holidays I got my report book from school anddddd I could pass my 10th grade it means that I could step up into the 11th grade!!!!! I got science class. I'm very grateful to Allah SWT