heyyya sorry for not updating these blog for so long, actually quite a lot of thing I wanna write here but I dunno whether I deserve it or not to write that things in here and happy holidayyyys all! how's your vacation plan? my vacation plan is I wanna go to spore with my brother and I hope it will be fun. amen
anyway now I'm wondering why should I know him? why he should say that things to me? WHY? it just makes me expect him too much. but with soft sentences yesterday he had answered all the things on my mind!!! he told me "I wanna be you friend forever" do you think I would be glad if u say that? NO! absolutely no, surely I kinda wanna be his princess. do u get what I really mean? and it's all because previously he had said "someday you might even become my princess" don't ever you make a promise with a little girl if u don't really wanna make it happen, cause it would make her dream too far and futile. now I just want to let all the feeling go.
thanks for read these blog! bye have a great holiday readers!